Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Interesting things that happened in US trip! A serious subject!

On my official front:

1. Having a SOFT TALK (LIKE HARD TALK) with chairman in ma hotel room and he came back enquiring about me in front all the big shots in one important meeting.
2. Having a discussion with VP and CEO regarding ma future on where I need to be. In US or INDIA.
3. Giving a demo to Senior VP & COO and able to make a considerable impact amongst people that I'm little worthy.
4. Able to help my boss and COO in their product selling.
5. Got a good job offer to stay back in US which I have delayed for the time being.

On my personal front:

6. Become a most talkative person in my team.
7. Become a matured Ping Pong player.
8. Learnt some interesting card games Roulette, Blackjack and Poker (Not only James Bond can do, even me too)
9. Touched Golf, Tennis and swimming. Just to get an idea on how it looks like.
10. Started to speak out what I think.
11. My Boss did a good marketing for my website. It became popular amongst people in here. I should thank him for that. (Hi boss: Anyways even if you argue, i would like to tell that only because of me you people have started thinking of how to be in personal life ;) )
12. Went with Spiked hair to watch movie where President also came along with his family!! How much GUTS I had!! Think about it.

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