Back to School Days. Think which subject will be your toughest. For me it was Chemistry.
I dont know is it coz it did a lot of chemical reactions in my stomach before going for exam or benzene ring looks like a hang for me.
Sometimes even steam came out through my ears the moment I saw the question paper.
It reminds me the very first day of chemistry class. I think it was 8th or 9th not very sure on this. Teacher comes with a big stick in hand (tall enough to his height). I thought may be he is a P.T sir, going to explain us how to play polevault. To my sadness later point of time I came to realise that he is a chemistry teacher and what he is carrying is a periodic table. The chart looked nice and i really enjoyed watching it like a poster of cinema star. Later he told that we need to memorise those elements in the periodic table, i thought of running out of the class. I cursed the people who discovered the new elements and made my life miserable.
Finally i stood by my fate and mugged out upside down and came out unscathed and all is a different story altogether.
To refresh yourself just go through the periodic table seen in the pic. Its really different from the usual ones.