Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Women more likely to stalk and attack their partners!!!

A new study has found that while women still remain the major victims of abuse, an increasing number of the so-called “weaker sex” is more likely than men to stalk, attack and psychologically abuse their partners. The study, by a team of researchers led by Angela Gover, a University of Florida criminologist, surveyed 2,500 students at UF and the University of South Carolina between August and December 2005. They found that in the 29% of people who physically assaulted their dates, 32% of women reported being the perpetrators of violence, as compared to 24% of men. Angela Gover said that the statistics showed a change in how women in relationships act. “We’re seeing women in relationships acting differently nowadays than we have in the past. The nature of criminality has been changing for females, and this change is reflected in intimate relationships as well,” she said. Another survey of 1,490 University of Florida students, found while 25% said they had been stalked during the past year, and 7% reported engaging in stalking, 58% of whom were female. However, the facts remain women made up the largest number of victims in both surveys, accounting for 70% of those being stalked. Today’s women are more likely to understand they have options instead of putting up with any kind of abuse could be another reason why women were turning violent. “Maybe some of these women have been abused by their partner for some time and they’re finally fighting back,” she said. “I think we may also be seeing sort of a new dynamic in dating relationships in terms of women feeling more empowered. They recognise they don’t have to be in a dating relationship forever,” she added. The researchers found child abuse was the single biggest determining factor for men and women becoming perpetrators or victims of dating violence or stalking. Even if one never personally experienced abuse, witnessing violence between one’s parents increased the likelihood of stalking or being stalked as a young adult and it made girls more susceptible to becoming victims of dating violence when they grew up.


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I found this being true in real life :) so posted this one.

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