People are running wild in their imaginations sometimes and ofcourse me too! Almost everyday I run into the wildest dreams or imaginations which any normal guy would not even thinked about.
Sometimes I make pretty assumptions on those imaginations and arrive at a conclusion.
When it comes to personal affairs, everyday people make a lot of assumptions and ask questions indirectly to the other person, in order to save their face. Sometimes it will be funny and sometimes it will be hurting.
Making assumptions, as far in my opinion, it is not that very good in the personal front but when you are thinking creatively to invent something, making assumption is the first step. Wright Brothers wouldn't have build an aeroplane, had they not went by assumptions.
When I was attending training in the earlier years of office life, the training manager told us the following at the end of training as a bottomline. "Dont make assumptions, coz what you are trying to do is 'Making an "ASS" out of "U" and "ME"'" but now I wanted to say back to him that his theory is applicable only for personal life and cannot be applied altogether. After all theories are meant to be disproved.
Infact making assumption is even considered as one of the important techniques for creativity. Check this site - Assumption Surfacing
In fact our education system lacks creative thinking and we dont encourage people who invents something new or spending time on trying to invent. We stress on memorising whatever that is available in book without even asking a question of when, where ,how. Whereas the education system in US makes a child to think creatively starting earlier from his kindergarten and thats why the culture in US is being followed everywhere. Now the kerala govt has adopted to bring this strategy little bit but I'm not sure how far this is going to become successful.
I'm not blaming because we have got really great people in advanced science field given the chance like in foreign countries. This should change because they are working under foreigners turning their imaginations into reality.
Just have a look on this site :
Creative thinking
Lying increases the creative faculties, expands the ego, and lessens the frictions of social contacts.
Clare Booth Luce (1903 - 1987)
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