There are many unsolved mysteries in the world. At times, we don't even look further into the why's and how's of the simplest things in life or even things around us? Every human being on this planet has entered this world in order to solve atleast a handful of these mysteries. Like everyone else, my friend wanted to probe into something as simple as why men hardly ever cry? Do they ever cry? Are they stone hearted? Or is there something scientific?
We had lot of speculation and debates about men crying. Finally we found out that the men cried when they watched movies like Gladiator and Lion King! But on a serious note, men do cry and yeah, they do cry for 'real' reasons.
The idea of men crying may be look like a total turn off for most women. No woman could really appreciate her man crying for every reason she cries. But if she sees her man crying for a real reason like "when she is leavin him alone". It will definitely have a deeper impact in her. However, here comes the stereotyped notion of women who can't stand the thought that men cry at the drop of the hat.
Why this is happening?
Society has forced a deep impact in influencing the gender roles played by men and women. Girls are allowed to cry but boys are restricted from revealing their emotions.
In most cultures, it is more socially acceptable for women to cry in public than men, but this is certainly not true for all human cultures.
Most men have cried but away from the public view. Men feel that like picking one's nose in private, crying is also an extremely personal affair. Men in general have cried at the loss of a loved one, leaving your loved ones and moving to a different country, loss of job & the death of a loved one. Like the certain inevitable truths in life, the reasons for shedding a tear are justified and it no longer remains a taboo if a guy cries for the right reasons in public.
Final advice to men: After reading this don't use this as a weapon to emotionally wreck women. Once the woman finds this, then the relation is doomed, no need to say!
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