Thursday, December 27, 2007
Beautiful Quote for the day
You will never solve your problems by getting other people to change.
The way to move beyond whatever is holding you back is to make positive changes within yourself.
The problem is not the particular situation you are in. The problem is the way you interpret and relate to that situation.
The problem is not the way you are treated by others. The problem is the way you allow the actions of others to affect you.
The problem is not what has happened in the past. The problem is that you're letting it continue to hold you back.
Take complete responsibility for a problem, and suddenly you are ninety percent of the distance toward solving it.
For when you truly take responsibility, you gain real and powerful control.
Fully accept that it is up to you to get where you choose to go. And you'll find everything necessary to make it so.
Ralph Marston.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Why we blame others.
Sometimes I have a very bad habit of blaming others for the faults which I have committed. This will create bad consequences if the blaming happens with the close friends or family. Found a good article though and thought of sharing.
Why we blame others
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Simple Pleasures to brighten your day!
A little trick I like to use to make my days much more pleasant is to find little, simple pleasures and sprinkle them throughout my day.
They’re not big things, but they each simple pleasure can translate to a great day if you use them right.
So in the morning, I might have a cup of coffee, and sip it slowly to enjoy it fully. I might read a gripping novel, and revel in the world of fiction. I might watch the sun come up, and marvel at the world.
For breakfast, I love eating hot dosas very slowly. I savor each one, closing my eyes. In the shower, I might also close my eyes, and just let the cool water run over me (I live on a tropical island, so cool water is a nice thing).
You get the idea — these are little things, and don’t really cost a thing (or not much, anyway), but they are tremendously satisfying. I’ve just described some of the things I might do to start off my day, but the possibilities are endless, and can be done throughout the day.
I thought it would be fun to compile a list of simple pleasures, to give you all some ideas of what I mean, and to spark other ideas of your own. Of course, you can probably come up with a thousand more, and it should also be noted that one person’s pleasures aren’t always pleasures for others.
1. Dosas.
2. Walking barefoot in grass.
3. Listening to good music in the car or while riding bike.
4. Taking a long, relaxing shower.
5. Coffee.
6. A good novel.
7. Popcorn and an old movie on DVD.
8. The smell of fresh-cut grass.
9. Watching the sunrise.
10. Walking on the beach.
11. A gentle morning run.
12. Yoga or stretching or meditation.
13. Watching the sunset.
14. Hugging a child tightly.
15. Good orange juice.
16. Dark chocolate.
17. Telling jokes till your sides ache.
18. A long conversation with a good friend.
19. Being lazy on a Sunday.
20. Waking to a clean house.
21. An uncluttered room.
22. Fries and a chocolate milkshake.
23. Watching a child play.
24. Fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies from coffee day.
25. Helping someone in need.
26. Making someone smile.
27. Cooking a dish for your family.
28. A nature hike.
29. Laying back and watching the stars.
30. Making a sandcastle.
31. Floating in the watertub.
32. Taking an afternoon nap.
33. Laying back and looking up at clouds.
34. Watching the ocean.
35. Getting a massage. This I do when I cut my hair.
36. Seeing your savings account grow.
37. Seeing your debt shrink.
38. Taking a hot bath.
39. Blowing bubbles.
40. A gentle breeze.
41. Playing a good game of badminton.
42. The smell of a new notebook.
43. Swinging on a swing.
44. Writing on good paper with a good pen.
45. A clear desk.
46. Fresh popped popcorn.
47. Having a picnic.
48. Homemade Biriyani.
49. Watching animals in nature.
50. Drenching in Rain and stomping the puddles.
51. An empty email inbox.
52. A fresh snow.
53. Watching a good game of cricket.
54. Dancing like you’re crazy.
55. Pillow fights with children.
56. The feeling after a good workout.
57. Checking something off your to-do list.
58. Banana split.
59. Iced green tea.
60. Watching children burst crackers on diwali time.
61. Cadbury’s chocolate.
62. Sweets distributed during birthdays.
63. Chatting nonsensical or about inventing something with a friend.
64. Writing a mail on how much you felt today to your best friend.
65. Getting scolding from parents and acting as if nothing went in your ears.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How affectionate you are!
As the pace and fullness of modern life serve to isolate us from one another, the contact we do share becomes vastly more significant. We unconsciously absorb each other's energy, adopting the temperament of those with whom we share close quarters, and find ourselves changed after the briefest encounters. Everything we do or say has the potential to affect not only the individuals we live, work, and play with but also those we've just met. Though we may never know the impact we have had or the scope of our influence, accepting and understanding that our attitudes and choices will affect others can help us remember to conduct ourselves with grace at all times. When we seek always to be friendly, helpful, and responsive, we effortlessly create an atmosphere around ourselves that is both uplifting and inspiring.
Most people rarely give thought to the effect they have had or will have on others. When we take a few moments to contemplate how our individual modes of being affect the people we spend time with each day, we come one step closer to seeing ourselves through the eyes of others. By asking ourselves whether those we encounter walk away feeling appreciated, respected, and liked, we can heighten our awareness of the effect we ultimately have. Something as simple as a smile given freely can temporarily brighten a person's entire world. Our value-driven conduct may inspire others to consider whether their own lives are reflective of their values. A word of advice can help others see life in an entirely new fashion. And small gestures of kindness can even prove to those embittered by the world that goodness still exists. By simply being ourselves, we influence other's lives in both subtle and life-altering ways.
To ensure that the effect we have is positive, we must strive to stay true to ourselves while realizing that it is the demeanor we project and not the quality of our wondrous inner landscapes that people see. Thus, as we interact with others, how we behave can be as important as who we are. If we project our passion for life, our warmth, and our tolerance in our facial features, voice, and choice of words, every person who enters our circle of influence will leave our presence feeling at peace with themselves and with us. You never know whose life you are affecting, big or small. Try to remember this as you go out into the world each day.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Be Content with what you have!
I have seen many people in lives who will not get satisfied with whatever they have. They always fret and fume on things and forget to enjoy the life for the god's gift they have given. They will do anything to attain that particular goal. This is good, everyone has to set goal in life and has to strive hard to reach that destination. But the saddest point here is, once they have reached their destination they think about the mistakes that has happened and finally forget their happiness. In the pipeline they also make people surrounding them worrier.
I went through an interesting article which discusses about the same.
Zen Lessons
Friday, November 23, 2007
Family vs. Friends
It’s Saturday afternoon and you and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then spend the night together. Just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you it’s your aunt’s birthday party and the whole family is going out to dinner to celebrate. How can this possibly end without a huge argument?
One of the greatest sources of tension between teenagers and their families is the struggle to balance individual wants with family expectations. As you struggle to become more independent and more interested in being with your friends, your family is trying to figure out how to deal with the changes in you and your interests. Where you once spent most of your free time with your family, you may find yourself wanting to spend more of it with your friends. Parents may get their feelings hurt or feel as if they are losing control of the family during this period. And you might feel angry that so many family demands are placed on you. There are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease the tension.
* Make your plans in advance and ask your parents if there is anything else planned at that time.
* When something with your friends interferes with a family event, try to figure out if there is any way you could do both. In other words, could you spend a little time with each group? Or could you go to the family event and ask if next time you could choose to be with your friends? Or could you invite a friend to also join in the family event?
* Suggest something you would really like to do with your family. Sometimes parents feel better just knowing their teenager wants to spend time with them.
There are sure to be times when you won’t be happy with the outcome because you’ve either disappointed your parents or had to miss out being with your friends. You can diffuse a lot of the anger and tension if you show consideration for the feelings of your family as well as those of yourself and your friends.
One of the greatest sources of tension between teenagers and their families is the struggle to balance individual wants with family expectations. As you struggle to become more independent and more interested in being with your friends, your family is trying to figure out how to deal with the changes in you and your interests. Where you once spent most of your free time with your family, you may find yourself wanting to spend more of it with your friends. Parents may get their feelings hurt or feel as if they are losing control of the family during this period. And you might feel angry that so many family demands are placed on you. There are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease the tension.
* Make your plans in advance and ask your parents if there is anything else planned at that time.
* When something with your friends interferes with a family event, try to figure out if there is any way you could do both. In other words, could you spend a little time with each group? Or could you go to the family event and ask if next time you could choose to be with your friends? Or could you invite a friend to also join in the family event?
* Suggest something you would really like to do with your family. Sometimes parents feel better just knowing their teenager wants to spend time with them.
There are sure to be times when you won’t be happy with the outcome because you’ve either disappointed your parents or had to miss out being with your friends. You can diffuse a lot of the anger and tension if you show consideration for the feelings of your family as well as those of yourself and your friends.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Beautiful Mail which I came across.
George Carlin, comedian of the 70s and 80s whose wife recently passed away, wrote the following eloquent and appropriate piece on our times:
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge , but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space.
We've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the
showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...
Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
If you don't send this to your loved ones....Who cares?
George Carlin
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
How good your handwriting will be!
Handwriting, Is it really appreciated in electronic era? I guess not, compared to how it was earlier. After the important exams became computerized this problem wont be a nightmare for many who don't have good handwriting. But it is still a problem in board exams coz the examiners weighs based on PAPER WEIGHT and HANDWRITING. After all they don't have time to go through all the answers of our students even they very well know there will be some cooked up story in the middle if the subject is dry and is full of theory.
In school you will be given italic handwriting book and asked you to write on that everyday each page or couple of pages. This happened till my 9th grade I guess. God only knows that it is not possible to change your destiny with the handwriting at that age. But the teachers are giving a hard try to make it atleast look not very bad. So normally this assignment will be done by your brothers/ sisters/ friends/ family coz you are very busy studying ( It is basically based on how much you have created a show) and you don't have time to do all these silly stuffs. After all eventhough your writing will be something like scribbling (KOZHI KIRUKKALS).
check your handwriting: handwritinganalysis
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Sometimes I used to say to my friends that I'm doing multitasking. Like chatting and working, listening to music and reading etc.
Recent times I have stopped that habit when I'm working. If a person asks question, I wont respond to them unless they repeat that question couple of times. This irritates them and finally they might even go to the extent of getting angry on me. When this repeatedly happened for a while, they began to understand and they started to kid me like I'm having a short term memory loss. They will repeat the incidents which were happening for a while and why they asked a question.
This is quite funny infact and as everyone will burst out laughter.
The fact is psychology attempts to say that "Multitasking is not good for your brain" See the attached links which attempts to tell that what I'm doing is correct.
CNN Article
Friday, November 02, 2007
Everyone was having lunch whereas I was thinking about something and I was not at all involved in that conversation. This happened many times for me and my friends even kidded me saying "I'm deaf". I didn't argue with them or even had fight with them. So searched for a remedy for this.
Found a good article though.
Absent in body, but present in spirit.
Bible, 1 Corinthians v. 3.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Creative thinking!
People are running wild in their imaginations sometimes and ofcourse me too! Almost everyday I run into the wildest dreams or imaginations which any normal guy would not even thinked about.
Sometimes I make pretty assumptions on those imaginations and arrive at a conclusion.
When it comes to personal affairs, everyday people make a lot of assumptions and ask questions indirectly to the other person, in order to save their face. Sometimes it will be funny and sometimes it will be hurting.
Making assumptions, as far in my opinion, it is not that very good in the personal front but when you are thinking creatively to invent something, making assumption is the first step. Wright Brothers wouldn't have build an aeroplane, had they not went by assumptions.
When I was attending training in the earlier years of office life, the training manager told us the following at the end of training as a bottomline. "Dont make assumptions, coz what you are trying to do is 'Making an "ASS" out of "U" and "ME"'" but now I wanted to say back to him that his theory is applicable only for personal life and cannot be applied altogether. After all theories are meant to be disproved.
Infact making assumption is even considered as one of the important techniques for creativity. Check this site - Assumption Surfacing
In fact our education system lacks creative thinking and we dont encourage people who invents something new or spending time on trying to invent. We stress on memorising whatever that is available in book without even asking a question of when, where ,how. Whereas the education system in US makes a child to think creatively starting earlier from his kindergarten and thats why the culture in US is being followed everywhere. Now the kerala govt has adopted to bring this strategy little bit but I'm not sure how far this is going to become successful.
I'm not blaming because we have got really great people in advanced science field given the chance like in foreign countries. This should change because they are working under foreigners turning their imaginations into reality.
Just have a look on this site :
Creative thinking
Lying increases the creative faculties, expands the ego, and lessens the frictions of social contacts.
Clare Booth Luce (1903 - 1987)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Interesting things that happened in US trip! A serious subject!
On my official front:
1. Having a SOFT TALK (LIKE HARD TALK) with chairman in ma hotel room and he came back enquiring about me in front all the big shots in one important meeting.
2. Having a discussion with VP and CEO regarding ma future on where I need to be. In US or INDIA.
3. Giving a demo to Senior VP & COO and able to make a considerable impact amongst people that I'm little worthy.
4. Able to help my boss and COO in their product selling.
5. Got a good job offer to stay back in US which I have delayed for the time being.
On my personal front:
6. Become a most talkative person in my team.
7. Become a matured Ping Pong player.
8. Learnt some interesting card games Roulette, Blackjack and Poker (Not only James Bond can do, even me too)
9. Touched Golf, Tennis and swimming. Just to get an idea on how it looks like.
10. Started to speak out what I think.
11. My Boss did a good marketing for my website. It became popular amongst people in here. I should thank him for that. (Hi boss: Anyways even if you argue, i would like to tell that only because of me you people have started thinking of how to be in personal life ;) )
12. Went with Spiked hair to watch movie where President also came along with his family!! How much GUTS I had!! Think about it.
1. Having a SOFT TALK (LIKE HARD TALK) with chairman in ma hotel room and he came back enquiring about me in front all the big shots in one important meeting.
2. Having a discussion with VP and CEO regarding ma future on where I need to be. In US or INDIA.
3. Giving a demo to Senior VP & COO and able to make a considerable impact amongst people that I'm little worthy.
4. Able to help my boss and COO in their product selling.
5. Got a good job offer to stay back in US which I have delayed for the time being.
On my personal front:
6. Become a most talkative person in my team.
7. Become a matured Ping Pong player.
8. Learnt some interesting card games Roulette, Blackjack and Poker (Not only James Bond can do, even me too)
9. Touched Golf, Tennis and swimming. Just to get an idea on how it looks like.
10. Started to speak out what I think.
11. My Boss did a good marketing for my website. It became popular amongst people in here. I should thank him for that. (Hi boss: Anyways even if you argue, i would like to tell that only because of me you people have started thinking of how to be in personal life ;) )
12. Went with Spiked hair to watch movie where President also came along with his family!! How much GUTS I had!! Think about it.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Are you a believer of luck or you?
When I think about luck, the incidents which came across my mind are my college days. I have to say some funny incidents on the believers of the luck. This guy has the habit of believing in luck when it comes to exams. No matter what, how he studied he will think that only the luck is the final decider. On the day of exams he will wear a new dress, shoes, take a newly bought pen and go for exams. If he happens to write that exam neatly, then he wore those same clothes and used to carry the same pen no matter what the clothes look like (even it got dirt after falling into a mud the previous day) or the pen doesn't write at all for the forthcoming exams. This routine will happen until he settles with a pen and cloth combination.
After seeing this habit, his room mate too started believing in superstitions and he became a follower. In one of the crucial interview, his room mate took my file and he cleared that interview and after that he didn't turn up to return the file even after several months. I thought it won't be good to ask because he is a good friend of mine. But anyway one day finally had to because I had to. I asked him about the file, he said that this file is very lucky and told ONLY because of this file he cleared that interview (the earlier couple of interviews which he attended he didn't get through as he was carrying the file which he bought and he became so upset that finally became this much superstitious).
Where are these guys goin? Do they have belief in their potential or they are trying to pass the buck on others when they do something really bad. In one way it is good to be like that coz when negative things happen they will blame on others/things and they will back normally quickly compared to those people who will try to analyze where it went wrong and what they have to do to get things rectify even for the simplest and silliest issues and finally getting no clue from where they have started.
So you might now think what I'm trying to say is, don't be silly on everything. Be a believer in yourself and be a narcissist to some extent after all if you dont love yourself who else gonna be. Have some kind of belief that there are some external forces which influences us and not fully. Also try to find out how to make these forces good for you and don't be too much idiotic.
Interesting Article to share with : How To Make Your Own Luck
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
Love .......!!!????
Falling In Love from the book "Letters to my Son" by Kent Nerburn
Its been there since the earth has come into being..
Its been there since man was made...
But still, its an enigma.....
It is a mystery why we fall in love.
It is a mystery how it happens. It is a mystery when it comes.
It is a mystery why some love grows and it is a mystery why some love fails.
You can analyze this mystery and look for reasons and causes, but you will never do anymore than take the life out of the experience.
Just as life itself is more than the sum of the bones and muscles and electrical impulses in the body, love is more than the sum of the interests and attractions and commonalities that two people share.
And just as life itself is a gift that comes and goes in its own time, so too, the coming of love must be taken as an unfathomable gift that cannot be questioned in its ways.
Sometimes, hopefully at least once in your life - the gift of love will come to you in full flower, and you will take hold of it and celebrate it in all inexpressible beauty.
This is the dream we all share.
More often, it will come and take hold of you, celebrate you for a brief moment, then move on.
When this happens to young people, they too often try to grasp the love and hold it to them, refusing to see that it is a gift that is freely given and a gift that just as freely, moves away.
When they fall out of love, or the person they love feels the spirit of love leaving, they try desperatelyto reclaim the love that is lost rather than accepting the gift for what it was, then moving on.
They want answers where there are no answers.
They want to know what is wrong in them that makes the other person no longer love them, or they try to get their lover to change, thinking that if some small things were different, love would bloom again.
They blame their circumstances and say that if they go far away and start a new life together, their love will grow.
They try anything to give meaning to what has happened.
But there is no meaning beyond the love itself, and until they accept its own mysterious ways; they live in a sea of misery.
You need to know this about love, and to accept it.
You need to treat what it brings you with kindness.
If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Love just didn't choose to rest in the other person's heart.
If you find someone else in love with you and you don't love him, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return.
Do not take advantage; do not cause pain.
How you deal with love is how you deal with you, and all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different.
If you fall in love with another, and he falls in love with you, and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame.
Let it go.
There is a reason and there is a meaning. You will know in time.
Remember that you don't choose love.
Love chooses you.
All you can really is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life.
Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away.
Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you.
Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit.
Give it to the world around you in anyway you can.
There is where many lovers go wrong.
Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need.
They see their hearts as empty place that will be filled by love, and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them rather than from them.
The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as their love cools, they revert to seeing their love as a need.
They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love.
They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift, and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away.
Remember this, and keep it to your heart.
Love has its own time, its own seasons, and its own reason for coming and going.
You cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into staying.
You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.
But if it chooses to leave from your heart or from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do.
Love always has been and always will be a mystery.
Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life.
If you keep your heart open it will come again!
Book Preview : Pl check this. Letters to my son
Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else.
Ogden Nash
US humorist & poet (1902 - 1971)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Marriage is a boon or a bane!
Few weeks before while we were doing chit chatting during lunch hours, we came across a discussion about "after marriage how the life is going to be?". (You might think "I'm not married then how come you can talk about this as if you had previous experience". Yes, you are correct. I don’t have previous experience, hmm what to do, but I can put forth my views right ha ha.). For few people it was great and for few it sounded dull.
But everyone had a opinion that after marriage don't dream and expect much, coz when I told them how beautiful it will be when you woke up in the morning to get a good coffee without even brushing your teeth (bed coffee I wanted to say). Your wife getting up so early in the morning and looking fresh after taking bath and wearing a beautiful dress which you like and coming to you smiling and asking you to get up. You are asking her for some more minutes of sleep request! and she is showing her dissent and pulling your bed spreads from you. (Doesn’t it sound like some movie!) When I said this everyone bursted out laughter and said "Sajith, is this your wish list? Never even think like this gonna happen. May be the first day, if you are really lucky then it could happen! I asked why not after that? They all said C'mon man what you are saying might happen in 50's and not now. May be it can happen like this and joked. “In one tamil movie, the girl friend of our hero tries to wake him up in the untimely hours (2am) and asking him to eat hot idlies and our hero cries out coz he doesn’t like her”. (Rajini & Radha)
I started to argue with them why it wont happen and started my as usual dialogues. “When you want to achieve something if you think you can and give a little push then it will happen”. If you really love your partner and ask her to treat a surprise to you one day, she will definitely treat a surprise. But don’t expect that surprise to happen everyday then it will not be a surprise at all and don’t expect such surprise to happen without telling it as a wish!
After I said this, they started to think. I was happy that I made them think and may be they might try out in the near future!
Audiences : Ladies & gentlemen present so this discussion was not one sided.
A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
Dave Meurer, "Daze of Our Wives"
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Amusing Incidents in US - Part 2
How smoke detector became my villain?
I would like to boast myself that I'm a good cook. Don't give a look. I'm telling serious. One fine Sunday, I was cooking sambar , rasam and potato curry (That day something struck my mind and said, "Sajith, you can do it", that's why I touched the cooking utensils. Otherwise who cares!). Here the hotel rooms are closed completely and the windows cannot be fully opened and smoke detectors are placed to detect any smoke, so that fire accidents can be avoided. Coolers/ heaters are in the room which can be used to control the temperature. Why I'm saying all this? Got puzzled? Adding pepper and salt to get more flavor. Hope you would able to predict something I guess!
Finished cooking sambar and was about to cook rasam. Poured oil into the vessel and the vessel became so hot which I didn't notice. When I added garlic and mustard seeds, a thick smoke came out from the pan, as if coming out from steam engine, and within minutes I started to hear siren coming from fire engine. For a couple of minutes I was wondering what the heck happened and has any police arrived to hotel? Suddenly I realized that it is coming out from the smoke detector in my room. Oh man! You know, I started to sweat like a pig and didn't know what to do?
The smoke detector is in the roof above the bed, so tried to wave my hands off to clear the smoke. Ran length of the room and tried to open window couldn't open. Tried to keep the door but was worried coz i don't want the next door person to give a stare look on me. Suddenly an idea struck me, did kept the coolers to the coldest temperature. Switched on the TV and kept in high volume to suppress this sound. All done still this alarm is wailing. So I prepared myself by saying, "Sajith, this is your worst day prepare yourself and don't worry man whoever comes and questions you or throws you out of the hotel. Don't worry this is not the end of world. You will definitely find a way to come out of it. You have friends who can make you stay in their rooms". So many thinking went through and I switched off the burner everything and poured water on it to look as if i wasn't cooking at all and all the utensils went into the kitchen cabinet and nothing was outside and I was whistling a Tamil song which encourages how to face any situation but still horror in my face was clearly visible when I checked the mirror in the bath room.
Bit curious to know what happened? This siren went for fifteen minutes and no one turned up and I rang up my colleague and told up this incident and asked him why the hotel authorities didn't turn up?
He said, this is quite usual man, since there were lots of Indians used to stay in that hotel. They know that some Indian is doing cooking. Ha ha!
Finally I relaxed myself and laughed thinking about my genius work!
Cast: Hero - Me, Main Villain - Smoke Detector, Villain1 - Rasam, Special Appearance – Cooler
To know about smoke detector take a look here.
Smoke Detector
Amusing incidents in US! Part 1.
I would like to share a couple of incidents I came across in US.
1. How a name can be killed by Indian?
One of my friends was working in a call center job and he got a call from american lady. This guy is new to US and doesn't have got much acquianted with the American names. He was actually sitting on another person's seat and the call was for him. Following is the conversation
Customer : Hello I'm Bonnie here, can I talk to Ramesh?
Hero: Hi Vaani, Ramesh is not available in his seat right now. Would you to leave a message?
Customer : Thanks, Tell him that Bonnie called and ask him to give a call once he comes.
Hero : Thanks Vaani, I'll definitely pass on the message.
Once Ramesh comes, this guy, our hero tells him, "Hei Ramesh, Vaani called you and asked you to call her back". "I dont know anyone by that name, are you serious? Now our hero starts to realise things that somewhere he has done wrong. After a couple of minutes of racking his brains , "Yeah she sounded american, could I be wrong?" Ramesh searches all his contact list and finally comes to know that it was Bonnie who called up and laughed seeing our poor chap's mistaken identity!
How a name can be killed by American ?
My name is Sajith. Here in America J is silent. So think of the tortures, one has to go through.
X : Hello! am I talking to SAHITH ..( Mummy! the name which you fondly put is dying ma.)
X : Hello! am I talkin to SAAAAHI... (looks like he got a old tape recorder winding dead slow, will you stop it grrr.)
X : Hello! Can I talk to Saith ( Yeah you are talking to Saithan kee Bacha (devil's son) only.. Man stop it, I'm really pissed off).
X : Hello! Can I talk to SAHI ( Yeah you are talking to Mr. Right C'mon man don't make my day worser)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Corporate Jokes.
This happened in real life.
My friend was a consultant and happened to be there at the customer site when the project go live was happening. As a part of sign off process he asked the Director of finance on how the project is going and how the product addresses their requirements.
For this Director told "Well my friend X, My COO asked me why we have not chosen this wonderful product even though it was in the market for more than 1o years". My friend 'X' got excited and told it is such a nice product and it has got lots and lots of features but i dont know why you didnt came across earlier. Can you tell me, what best feature in the product has impressed you?
Well,when we used our earlier product we used to get a turnaround of 30million but now it has gone 300 million. Can you ask someone to look into this issue and resolve this issue asap and get your ass out of this place immediately and dont waste my time and energy!!
My friend got totally stunned with this reply. Happy moment became a most embarassing moment in his life. Still laughs when he thinks about that.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Is it right to Pinpoint the mistakes done by others.
Suppose your wife or kid or friend or colleague or subordinate does a mistake and you are very sure that this mistake needs to be pinpointed to them and make them realise that it is a mistake, will you directly go and pinpoint to them. If yes then you are wrong coz they might feel low in those circumstances coz they might have done inadvertently or they dont know that it is a mistake at all. So in such cases you might ask what is best way to realise that they have committed a mistake. Solution : Make them realise by setting yourself as a role model in the long run or tell to them in such a way that they has to realise their mistake as well as dont get hurt.
Let me tell you a story. In the OLD myth, Sridevi and Moodevi were fighting with each other to know Who is beautiful in this world. At that time NARATHA came through the way so they both asked him to give a verdict. Naratha got perplexed and he sweated coz he has been put up in a difficult situation. If he tells Sridevi is beautiful then Moodevi will stay in his house and give problems whereas if he tells Moodevi is beautiful then Sridevi will go away from his house. So he thought for a while and asked both of them to walk for a while.
Now he gave the following verdict : Sridevi looks very beautiful when she arrives whereas Moodevi looks beautiful when she goes away. Both of them got convinced with this reply and went away with Joy.
In this story who has won, a. Sridevi - No b. Moodevi - No. It is actually Naradha coz of his wise reply.
I explained to this to my friend and he tried this mantra at home. He came and told me this "My wife doesnt wash the clothes or clean the house so i set myself as a role model washed the clothes and cleaned the house for a week. The following week my wife came and told me happily "i dont know these years that you are a best dhobi and housekeeper so the forthcomin years also please continue". What i have to do now."
Let me tell you a story. In the OLD myth, Sridevi and Moodevi were fighting with each other to know Who is beautiful in this world. At that time NARATHA came through the way so they both asked him to give a verdict. Naratha got perplexed and he sweated coz he has been put up in a difficult situation. If he tells Sridevi is beautiful then Moodevi will stay in his house and give problems whereas if he tells Moodevi is beautiful then Sridevi will go away from his house. So he thought for a while and asked both of them to walk for a while.
Now he gave the following verdict : Sridevi looks very beautiful when she arrives whereas Moodevi looks beautiful when she goes away. Both of them got convinced with this reply and went away with Joy.
In this story who has won, a. Sridevi - No b. Moodevi - No. It is actually Naradha coz of his wise reply.
I explained to this to my friend and he tried this mantra at home. He came and told me this "My wife doesnt wash the clothes or clean the house so i set myself as a role model washed the clothes and cleaned the house for a week. The following week my wife came and told me happily "i dont know these years that you are a best dhobi and housekeeper so the forthcomin years also please continue". What i have to do now."
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I love chennai.
Hear it
I went through this website and it was kind of promotional website and telling about Chennai and also trying to make chennai a wonderful place to live in. It contains some interesting articles and photography to go through. Please spare sometime if you really love chennai.
I Love Chennai
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Most beautiful presentation about love!!
Dedicated to girls who have lost their pretty boyfriends. If you fwd this link definitely your lost love might come back. Listen with speakers on since it is too nice to hear.
Monday, January 08, 2007
License to Kill - 2
I was goin in 40kms (very high speed for me coz of the experience) and these cows as usual was going to cross the roads. So i asked my master whether we shall wait for the cows to cross or go through. Master tells me " Arre Sajith you can easily cross this c the cows are 20 ft beyond dont you have sense to calculate this". I thought why the hell did i posted this question to him. Anyway i had fears in my mind but i moved on.
Suddenly the cow boy makes some noise "kkk kkk bruaaah" thats it all the cows started running like they caught a mad cow disease. I dont know what to do now i pressed on accelerate button instead of brake so my car is also running mad so i took a wild turn and went on rampage spree hitting the nearby dustbin (plastic) etc and i dont know what happened then coz i closed my eyes fully (its best way to avoid watching horrible things right).
Everyone nearby came and asked anything happened to me then only i realised am still unhurt. I cant blame anyone coz if i have to whom i have to 1. master for giving the decision or 2. the cow boy for makin such noise or 3. the cows for running mad.
After this incident if i happen to see any dog or cow or sheep ill let them pass the road then only ill move on even though they are miles apart (similar to the diesel engine oil advertisement - lorry driver allow the cycle to overtake him).
Suddenly the cow boy makes some noise "kkk kkk bruaaah" thats it all the cows started running like they caught a mad cow disease. I dont know what to do now i pressed on accelerate button instead of brake so my car is also running mad so i took a wild turn and went on rampage spree hitting the nearby dustbin (plastic) etc and i dont know what happened then coz i closed my eyes fully (its best way to avoid watching horrible things right).
Everyone nearby came and asked anything happened to me then only i realised am still unhurt. I cant blame anyone coz if i have to whom i have to 1. master for giving the decision or 2. the cow boy for makin such noise or 3. the cows for running mad.
After this incident if i happen to see any dog or cow or sheep ill let them pass the road then only ill move on even though they are miles apart (similar to the diesel engine oil advertisement - lorry driver allow the cycle to overtake him).
License to Kill - 1
This happened while i was learning to drive a car. Everyone will have some kind of experience to share while learning to drive. Me too had.
I was learning to drive the car in the 100 Ft road in velachery at 730 in the morning. At this time there wont be much traffic. So i was comfortable riding the car and ill drive as such i was a pilot of airplane. Eyes glued on to the roads so much that even the pebbles were visible something which you can see only if you use the lens. ( See how much concentration am having). One more thing ill drive the car very slowly like a bullock cart so the master will scold me that you better go and ride a bullock cart itself. It will just pass through my ears like a breeze.
Everyday near the rathna cafe some cows used to pass the roads every morning i dont know why they cross the roads (coz there is no place nearby to gaze upon). Sometimes it will be 1 or 2 other day it will be 6 or 7. I think they are going for a morning walk like oldies used to in beaches.
This particular day was quite normal and i was little bit comfortable riding the car. But still have one hand on gear and other on steering wheel and one foot normally focussed on break if not accelerated and other on clutch.
Hear it
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Periodic Table Amazing!!
Back to School Days. Think which subject will be your toughest. For me it was Chemistry.
I dont know is it coz it did a lot of chemical reactions in my stomach before going for exam or benzene ring looks like a hang for me.
Sometimes even steam came out through my ears the moment I saw the question paper.
It reminds me the very first day of chemistry class. I think it was 8th or 9th not very sure on this. Teacher comes with a big stick in hand (tall enough to his height). I thought may be he is a P.T sir, going to explain us how to play polevault. To my sadness later point of time I came to realise that he is a chemistry teacher and what he is carrying is a periodic table. The chart looked nice and i really enjoyed watching it like a poster of cinema star. Later he told that we need to memorise those elements in the periodic table, i thought of running out of the class. I cursed the people who discovered the new elements and made my life miserable.
Finally i stood by my fate and mugged out upside down and came out unscathed and all is a different story altogether.
To refresh yourself just go through the periodic table seen in the pic. Its really different from the usual ones.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
What element is your Love?
Your Love Element Is Wood |
In love, you tend to gently dominate and guide your partner. For you, love is all about sharing goals and future plans. You attract others with creativity and vision. Your flirting style is defined by your honesty and assertiveness. Growth and improvement are the cornerstones of your love life. You may focus on goals too much in relationships, but you never come out of them with a loss. You connect best with: Water Avoid: Metal You and another Wood element: will be doomed to a stormy relationship |
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